Hello everyone, I am Wolf,a golang engineer, the developer of the open source customer service live chat software (UniqChat). Live in interesting times and do interesting things.

Online Customer Service System - Web-based Live Chat Software - UniqChat - Omnichannel Intelligent AI Customer Service Expert

Project Overview UniqChat (also known as UniqChat or gofly) is an online customer service and consultation system based on the Golang Gin framework and element-ui. Established in early 2019, it is an instant messaging project that connects businesses with customers. Following the principles of fast and concise development, UniqChat is an out-of-the-box omnichannel online customer service system. It is dedicated to helping developers/companies quickly deploy and integrate private and indepe……

Difference between OpenAI Embedding and fine-tuning

Embedding-based vector search is now used behind both natural language and document-based conversations. OpenAI does a good job of this, and there are many examples on their Cookbook (github.com/openai/openai-cookbook), and they have recently made some updates to the documentation. GPT is good at answering questions, but it can only answer questions it has been trained on before. What about untrained data, such as private data or the latest data? In this case, there are usually tw……

Copilot Hub Personified AI Platform Based on Private Data-A Concise How-to Guide for Creating a Custom ChatGPT Knowledge Base AI

Copilot Hub is a platform that helps you create intelligent knowledge bases & personified AI based on private data. You can create a custom ChatGPT based on documents, websites, Notion databases, or other data sources in minutes. https://app.copilothub.ai/copilots Enter the email address to log in successfully Finally, this is a question and answer and custom charges The overall functional experience, basic and my own implementation of the knowledge base based on the vector database ChatGPT……

UniqChat independent deployment version + front-end open source VUE+ customer service side open source Uniapp+ChatGPT knowledge base installation configuration part of the tutorial

UniqChat  is an online customer service system developed based on the Golang Gin framework. It can be deployed independently and the program data is all privately installed on its own server. The visitor consultation interface is adaptive and responsive, which can be fully adapted to PC website, mobile terminal, APP embedded and other scenarios. The customer service terminal provides PC background management, receives visitor messages in real time, and chats with visitor users in real time. I……

Test a PHP online customer service livechat system-thinkphp+workerman development-the most widely spread online customer service livechat source code build tutorial

In order to help a customer modify their own customer service system, so the source code in the local build about. Because, I used golang to develop a customer service system, originally did not want to see this old version of PHP customer service source code. But there is little customer demand, buy my business version of the feeling is not worthwhile, so the Internet to find a customer service source code, but also the most widely spread of a PHP customer service system. Of course, this sou……

Pure front-end imitation GPT streaming typing effect js library, similar to the general meaning of thousands of questions or other AI interface typing effect

Because of the release of GPT and major domestic models, many official websites are designed to mimic the streaming typing effect, and the following js library can be easily implemented. typed.js The specific implementation code is as follows: var typed = new Typed('#subTitle', { strings: ['我是知识库机器人,一个专门响应人类指令的大模型','我服务于人类,致力于让生活更美好','自建私有数据知识库 · 与知识库AI聊天'], cursorChar: '_', loop: true, typeSpeed: 120, backDelay: 3000, });……